Skills to Help You Gain Employment in Canada

Canadian employers’ views regarding employment is gradually changing due to the significant rise of digital commerce, the wide acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI), and the aging population. According to a recent report from Canadian Visa Expert, seven million Canadians are 65 years of age or older. This figure represents about 20% of the population, with […]
Canadian Workers Plan to Seek New Jobs in 2023

In 2023, half of Canadian workers will be on the lookout for a new job. This statement is according to a recent poll by Robert Half, a recruitment firm. This speculated record high Canadian job-seeker rate is almost twice the record level set in 2022. Canadian Visa Expert reported that based on this this survey, […]
Construction Is Booming in Calgary’s Growing Housing Market

There has been an increase in housing in Calgary in recent times. The construction of all types of homes is said to have increased by nearly 20%. This was stated at the beginning of the year. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation said this record depicts a good impact on the economy. In addition, the […]
Watch: Canadian Communities to Attract Foreign Workers

A new video about how Canadian communities plan on attracting more foreign workers was recently uploaded to the Canadian Visa Expert Youtube channel. Watch the full video
Canada Median Age Is Lower Because of Immigration

For the first time since 1971, Canada’s population got younger. This rare change in the country’s demography results from the Canadian government’s immigration policies. After over five decades of Canada’s first reduction in median age, history has repeated itself. Canadian Visa Expert reported that the national statistics agency’s data in 2022 showed that the median […]
New Canadian Immigration Selection Process to Start in 2023

Due to the labour shortage in Canada in recent times, the country has begun the plan to pick and choose immigrants in 2023. According to Sean Fraser, Canadian Immigration Minister, the nation is planning to be more tactical in selecting permanent residents in the coming year. And so, the nation is looking to prioritize people […]
Canadian Visa Expert: Record 957,500 Canadian Job Vacancies Reported

Since the pandemic has subsided, businesses in Canada can now operate at full capacity again. As good as this new development is, many businesses struggle to find the staff to help serve their customers. The staffing issue has now become the economic reality of most Canadian employers. From the recent survey by the Bank of […]
The Unemployment Rate in Canada Has Never Been This Low

The unemployment rate in Canada hit an all-time low after Omicron’s breakout in early 2022. Unfortunately, this situation gave rise to a jobless rate of 5.3 percent; an unemployment rate experienced last in 1976. There are many opportunities available for you and your family living in Canada. There are many opportunities available for you and […]
Recent Data Shows Over One Million Canadian Job Openings

Vacancies have increased in Canada in recent times. This increase in job openings is not just in one sector but across various industries. Vacant positions are said to have risen by one-third in the retail, food services, and accommodation industries. According to Canadian Visa Expert, there has also been a significant increase in job openings […]
Did you know? Older Canadians Make Up 19% of the Population in Canada

A wonderful nation is measured by its attitude toward its elderly population. From biblical times, one of the most important commandments is “Honor your father and your mother.” Canada is a technologically, economically and culturally advanced country. The high quality of life also allows the elderly population in Canada to take an active part in […]