Vacancies have increased in Canada in recent times. This increase in job openings is not just in one sector but across various industries. Vacant positions are said to have risen by one-third in the retail, food services, and accommodation industries.
According to Canadian Visa Expert, there has also been a significant increase in job openings in the construction, health care, and social assistance fields.
Even though these high job openings are on the rise in all provinces in Canada, some areas are experiencing this phenomenon at a higher rate than others. The areas with the most significant increase in job vacancies are Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, Labrador and Nova Scotia.

Details About the Job Openings in Some Sectors
In the accommodation and food services sector, employers are said to be in search of employees to fill about 158,000 vacant positions. The Canadian Visa Expert reports this number of vacant positions to make the sector’s vacancy rate about 12.8 percent. As a result, the accommodation and food services sector has had the highest job openings for the past eleven months.
The health care field has 154,000 vacancies, while the retail field has 109,000 open positions. The construction sector, which seemed to have a lower number of vacancies, records not less than 82,000 available positions.